A2v10 Platform documentation

UploadFile Control

Represents a control for selecting and downloading files. Supports drag and drop.

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Inherits: UIElementBase


Name Type Description
Url String The path to the file download command.
Argument Object An object, the properties of which will be the parameters of the file download command.
Accept String Filter string for the file selection dialog. Mime-types of received files. Support depends on the browser. Corresponds to the accept attribute of the <input type="file"> item. It is possible to specify multiple types separated by commas. For example, to select images in jpg or png format, you can specify Accept="image/png, image/jpeg".
Note that this is only a recommendation to the browser. It is impossible to prevent the user from selecting other files.
Limit Int32 The maximum allowable size of the uploaded file (in kilobytes). If not specified, you can upload files of any size.
Delegate String Name of the delegate which will be called after the file is downloaded. The delegate's argument will be the result received from the server.
ErrorDelegate String Name of the delegate, which will be called in case of errors. If not specified, a standard error message is displayed.
Base item properties