A2v10 Platform documentation

InlineDialog Layout Element

Represents a dialog that works with the current model and does not require additional download from the server.

Each of such dialogs must have a unique (within the current page) text identifier.

The dialog works within the current page. In fact, it is a simple block that is displayed upon command in the form of a dialogue. Such features as undoing an action must be implemented independently.

You can open or close the dialog using the controller $inlineOpen, $inlineClose passing them the dialog ID.

Inherits: Container : UIElement : UIElementBase


Name Type Description
Id String The unique (within the page) dialog identifier.
Title String The dialog box heading.
Width Length The dialog box width. by default determined by the content.
Buttons UIElementCollection The content of the button bar. Typically, a set of control buttons.
NoClose Boolean Disable closing the dialog with the Escape key and the button in the box heading. It can be useful for dialogs displaying long-running operations that are not controlled by the user, but by the system. For example, a dialogue of payment by card through an acquiring terminal.
ShowWaitCursor Boolean If the property is set to True, then when making requests to the server, the dialog box will be grayed out and a progress bar will be displayed.
Base item properties