A2v10 Platform documentation

_assets special folder

_assets special folder contains common application elements, such as images, JavaScript scripts, or style sheets.

Style sheets (* .css files) and scripts (* .js) from the _assets folder are loaded at the moment of initial program initialization.

Script files (*.js)

Script files are loaded and executed at the moment of initial program initialization. Usually, these files should contain modules, although this is optional. By convention, such modules must be prefixed with "app:".

Regular plug-in modules (without the "app:"refix) will be loaded each time together with the page that refers to them. In contrast, modules with the "app:" prefix in the _assets folder are loaded once, when the program is initialized. If the regular module is prefixed with "app:", it will not be loaded.

Please note! The folder may contain minified files (* .min.css or * .min.js). If the system finds such files, their usual versions (without the intermediate suffix min) are ignored. This behavior allows you to use standard minimization tools to reduce program loading time.